- Name: Ana , Ruben
- Country:Spain
- Age:!7,18
- Gaming Name + Links to Profiles:
http://en.combatarms.nexoneu.com/NXEU.aspx?PART=/Community/Profile&NickName=Zewel ,
http://en.combatarms.nexoneu.com/NXEU.aspx?PART=/Community/Profile&NickName=-anima-- ESL+WOGL Profile (optional)
- Game(s) you Play(ed): SF, COD ( 2 , 4 MW2 ) , operation 7 , warrock, etc etc..
- K/D Ratio: 2.79 and my BF 1.53
- Rank: PVT and 2LT
- Previous Clans + Why you Left:My BF --> Aeternum vale inactive
- Favourite Map/Mode combination: SnD/ RattleSnake or Gray Hammer.
- Favourite Maps:Snow valley and gray hammer
- Favourite Modes:SnD and CTF
- Favourite Guns:g36 and l96a1
- Do you have TS3 and Mic? Yeah
- Where you asked to join 7ove-Gaming by anyone (if yes, who):
- Why you want to join 7ove-Gaming:looks like a nice clan and die4menow loves me
- Activity? 2 or 3 hours a day.
- Right now do you see yourself as a competitive or causal gamer?:Yea