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 [MUST READ] Rule's

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[MUST READ] Rule's Empty
PostSubject: [MUST READ] Rule's   [MUST READ] Rule's EmptyMon Jun 20, 2011 10:29 am

This page gives details of all of Our Clan rules, regulations and details of the conduct expected of everyone ranging from users of our serves/forums to our members.

Codes of Conduct

These rules apply to all members of 7ove-Gaming and all people using the resources of 7ove-Gaming. By using any of 7ove-Gaming resources or 7ove-Gaming as a member, you are automatically agreeing to abide by the following regulations. Anyone found breaking these rules will be subject to relevant disciplinary action. Ignorance of these terms cannot and will not be accepted as an excuse for breach of these rules.

General Online Conduct

Use of appropriate language at all times (deemed to be appropriate to the users around them and to the level of access where comments are made).
No condoning or promoting of illegal activities or services.
A respectful attitude towards all users and gamers must be shown at all times (even if it's not reciprocated).
Under no circumstances should you, provoke or contribute to any form of argument in public forums, bulletin boards, servers or website.
Aggressive attitudes will not be tolerated.

Team Speak Server Conduct

Our Team Speak server is reserved for members. All non-member users should be prepared to be removed if spaces are needed.
Do not disturb other gamers when in 'serious' gaming channels with unnecessary and irrelevant chatter.
Ensure you are using an appropriate level of sensitivity on your mic.
Abuse of other users/gamers will not be tolerated.
English language at all times so members do not get confused
Do not sing or play music/sounds into the microphone if it annoys other users.
Do not use multiple aliases or offensive names. This causes confusion and offends users.
Your team speak user name must match that of one of the in-game tags you use, one that 7ove-Gaming members are familiar with

In-game Conduct

No use of hacks, cheat or third party applications in order to gain an unfair advantage.
We reserve the right to kick non-members from games to make space for members wishing to participate.
do not single out players or insult them because of their game experience or skill level.
No exploitation of map/game bugs such a glitching inside of objects , under map bugs etc
No intentional team killing or injuring.
English only in our clan chat at all times.
Demonstrate a fair and sporting attitude when in game at all times (even if it's not reciprocated)

Forum Conduct

Appropriate language should be used at all times
Do not promote any illegal activities or websites of an inappropriate nature
Post your thread in the relevant board and keep threads relevant to the original topic
Do not start or participate in any public arguments or "flame" threads
Do not spam boards or threads ((1st Warning will be a normal Warning asking nicely to not spam the forum/threads 2nd Warning is a 7day forum ban 3rd and final is a clan ban if you are a 7G Member + forum ban))
Do Not Create Multiple Accounts For Any Reason. If you really want a name change, you're welcome to ask a moderator or admin, although it's recommended you keep such requests infrequent at best.
Show patience and a helpful attitude towards all forum users
Administrators/Moderators reserve the right to change, move, edit, or delete any content at any time if they feel it is inappropriate

Terms Of Membership

All members of 7ove-Gaming must respect and abide by the conditions (Ignorance is not an excuse)

1) You need to be online regularly

All members need to be online fairly regularly. Remaining active can be done in a number of ways:

Checking the 7ove-Gaming forum (reading and replying) - Using the 7ove-Gaming Teamspeak Server and indeed playing combat arms - We reserve the right to remove any clan member at anytime if they become inactive ingame and on our forums

Notice of any changes to membership activity, or extended periods of absence should be known through the 7ove-Gaming forums. Extended periods of inactivity may result in a kick from the clan (unless you have given prior notice).

Combat Arms Rules

These rules apply to all members of 7ove-Gaming, Any members found to be disobeying this rule will be dealt with in an appropriate way and can lead to expulsion from the clan. Ignorance is not an excuse.

1) F2 chat isn't banned in our clan wars but must be kept as minimum as possible (excluding admins). however unnecessary abuse that ruins a clan's reputation will not be tolerated. This does not extend to the in game lobby but the same discipline is also expected.

2) ALL communication MUST be in ENGLISH in F4 clan chat or on our Teamspeak server.

3) Max speed for ((s&d)) search and destroy is 15'speed maximum - ((ctf)) capture the flags is 20'speed maximum.

4) As our members will be promoting our clan specialist is NOT allowed even in pub games's however Fireteam is ok [not that we recommend it].

5) We are a male based Character clan but we do have an exception to every 10 male characters that join we will allow 2 female characters this is to promote fair gaming.

6) We do not allow (OP) over powered weapons, if there is a weapon you are unsure about ask one of our admins before joining a clanwar! Sensible weapons preferred, this usually means G36E, M4A1, l85A1 MOD, AUG, AK, pretty much any high recoil weapons.

7) ClanWar is for everyone, it's first come first served, unless an admin has reserved the spot for someone else, Do not hesitate to join if we ask for +1.

Cool Do not join clanwar if you are not on teamspeak! unless you have a genuine reason as to why you cannot use your microphone.

Failure to abide by all these terms above may lead to your removal from the clan and forum.
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[MUST READ] Rule's
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